Revivalists Called to Spread the Fire of the Holy Spirit!

The vision of 5:17 is threefold:

  • REVELATION - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing."

We must fundamentally be about pursuing His presence through prayer both individually and corporately.

  • TRANSFORMATION - 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "If any man is in Christ he's a new creature. 

The old is gone, the new has come." We aim to be used by God to see life transformation in all we encounter.

  • RESTORATION - Our anniversary is May 17th (5/17)

It's past time for the family unit to be strengthened, especially in the body of Christ.

Our mission is to see individuals and families restored and transformed by God through a prayerful pursuit of His presence!


At 5:17 Ministries, we are committed to intimate worship times, preaching the uncompromised Word of God, and inviting people to the altar so that Jesus can reveal Himself to them on a personal level.  One moment in the presence of Jesus truly changes everything!


Since launching 5:17 Ministries in August 2017, we have seen countless people get saved, rededicated, baptized in the Holy Spirit, healed, delivered, and overwhelmed by the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit!  Some of those stories are on the Testimonies page.


Over the course of our years of ministry, our marriage and family have been through many storms.  The enemy has desired nothing less than to destroy us and our ministry, but he has not and will not succeed.  Through the power of prayer and the strength from the Holy Spirit, we have come out of those storms stronger than ever.  Jesus has restored what has been broken in our lives, and we desire to see Him do the same for others!

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we offer?

We are available for:

  • Encounter Services
  • Revivals
  • Holy Spirit Conference
  • Healing Services
  • House Meetings

What is your availability?

We will go wherever the Lord opens the door.  Michael is a bivocational minister and remote employee, so as long as there is a reliable internet connection, he can work during the day and minister at night.  We never charge for the gospel, but any love offering or honorarium is graciously accepted.

“Our church appreciated Mike's sensitivity to the work of the Holy Spirit as he both preached and led worship for us. Mike and Laura seek God's face sincerely, and it shows in their ministry. Mike flows well with leadership and exhibits the spiritual gifts when ministering. I heartily recommend 5:17 Ministries to any setting of ministry.”

- Rev. Cary Coffey

We'd love to hear from you! Please fill out the contact form to get in touch.

About us

At 5:17 Ministries, we truly believe that one moment in the presence of Jesus changes everything!  Age, gender, ethnicity, and social or economic status do not matter.  If someone is willing to seek the Lord with all of his or her heart, He will not let them down!


"Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near." - Isaiah 55:6