"On August 18, 2019, I went to one of Michael’s services and the Holy Spirit moved. The anointing was the subject for that night and it was something that I needed to hear. Things were spoken over me about my worship ministry that I needed to hear because I was struggling with doubt. The enemy had been attacking me and putting doubt inside of me that I am not 'good enough' to do the ministry that I have been called to do. Specifically, things were spoken over me about leading worship and playing my instrument. Michael did not know that I have been the worship leader at my church for almost two years; he was allowing the Spirit to speak through him to me specifically about singing and playing my keyboard. This boosted my confidence in knowing fully 100% that God has called me into the worship ministry. This was a reminder to me that this was and STILL is my calling. God is going to use me through this. The anointing starts with humility, then released through obedience. Now, I need to step out in obedience for the anointing to fully flow through me! Thank you Brother Michael for allowing the Holy Spirit to move and speak through you!" - Jessica

"We were blessed to have Michael come and preach for us for our morning and evening services! And through Michael's open heart and ear to the Lord, the Holy Spirit worked through him and did not disappoint! So glad to have him minister to us and see his heart for the Lord! To God be the Glory!" - Gary

"Our church was blessed when we hosted Mike for AM and PM services on March 4, 2018. He is led by God and sensitive to and hungry for the Holy Spirit to move in supernatural ways. While with us, Mike operated in several gifts of the Holy Spirit, including prophecy, words of knowledge, and healing. Multiple individuals experienced Divine healing as Mike ministered at the altars. Everyone was encouraged, edified, and uplifted! He is also a gifted musician and enthusiastic communicator of God's Word." - John

"5:17 Ministries has been birthed in the heart of a couple whose desire to only to glorify the Lord and reach out to others with the love of Christ Jesus! We are excited to see God continue to use them mightily in their anointing as they continue to impact the Kingdom of God!" - Kevin & Melanie

"I have been dealing with a lot of fear and worry in my life. I just felt really really unworthy of the things that I have been doing and really stuck in my ways. But over the weekend I had SUCH a breakthrough! I got confirmations of what I need to do and words of affirmation, the LORD moved and is still moving in my life. I can’t wait to see what else he has in store for me." - Rebekah

"Jesus really gave us our marching orders in the service. He delivered me from over thinking. Jesus used Michael in such a powerful way with words of knowledge that only the Lord would know. It really validated what God had been telling us to do for quite a while. We really needed that. My husband and I are still talking about it. It will forever be in our hearts the day that 5:17 Ministries brought the power of God, His words for us, and our marching orders. Forever grateful. Thank you." - Kris

"Powerful word and testimony! What Michael spoke over my life was nothing short of a direct word of God and a confirmation of what I felt He had been speaking to me. For me, it reminded me, it’s in God’s timing and there is still a call on my life, as well as my children’s lives. My fire and drive was renewed! Thank you Jesus!" - Amy

"I had a lot of heaviness in my chest yesterday. I have a lot of intrusive thoughts about people or past trauma. Feelings of guilt, shame, bitterness and anger. I’ve carried that around for a long time. I have been doing a lot of work on myself and have had a deliverance from the spirit of fear in September. I still had lingering anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts (negative self-talk). Afterwards, it took me a while to stop sobbing. I feel free. I feel lighter. I have had a few negative thoughts, but have been able to stop them from becoming more than a passing thought. I have been doing a Daniel fast and yesterday was day 3. I felt led to stop drinking energy drinks and feel as though that’s not a problem for me anymore either. God is doing a great work in me and is preparing me for something wonderful!" - Brandy

"Since that encounter service, I have just felt a deeper connection with the Holy Spirit. In times alone with Him I feel a deep feeling I can’t explain but it’s like waves I feel throughout that stems from my stomach. I have an even deeper desire to be with Him and I haven’t even been watching regular TV lately. I have been obedient about getting up very early (for me anyways) and spending time with the Lord instead of at night like I was doing and also going to church three hours before service to pray along with a few other ladies. I just feel He has been working in my heart, removing all the junk and leading me. And it’s beautiful I think about Jesus all day everyday!" - Sarah

"I have struggled with suicidal ideation and thoughts for 18 years. Since the encounter service, I have not struggled with this at all! I am free!" - Shelby

"The encounter service was really incredible, and much, much needed. It was amazing that the moment between I went down I felt a charge throughout my body - definitely Holy Spirit goosebumps! And I literally felt that a weight had been lifted. I had been blinded by depression and so much anxiety and then I could see. It was so vivid and amazing. I felt His peace and I even more felt the peace of His presence in all my worries and in all the situations that were stressful. There have been times where I am about to pick up that darkness again but I just focus on His presence and the scripture that He set in my heart that I repeated over and over, 'come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.' Ah, it was so amazing! I meditate on it often!" - Cayla

"5:17 Ministries is the real deal. The message is right, and they are used in the Gifts of the Spirit.  God has used Michael to minister to me personally on numerous occasions." - Dave